Earn Cash by Referring to Abandoned Homes
Do you know of abandoned properties in your neighbourhood? Want to earn extra cash?
Want to earn extra cash while helping revitalize communities? You’re in luck! At Community Housing Org, LLC, we’re offering generous referral bonuses for abandoned homes that we successfully sell.
How It Works:
- Submit a Referral: Send us the complete address of any abandoned property you know of (e.g., 1234 Main St, Columbus, OH 43205). Include your name and contact phone number in the email. Email: YourCommunityHousingOrgllc@gmail.com
- Wait for Confirmation: Our team will verify the property and confirm if it meets our criteria for acquisition.
- Earn Cash:If we successfully sell the property, you’ll earn up to $500 in referral bonuses! Please allow up to 30 days to receive your bonus after the closing of the home.
- The property must be in poor condition, abandoned or vacant.
- Provide the complete address of the property (street address, city, state, and ZIP code).
- Include your name and contact phone number in the email.